Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Road Tripping the Cement Arrows Fantastic and Ten Geologic Images

          Road tripping here in search of large cement arrows. ;-) Perhaps you can tell where Mom, Maizie and I have been from a few photos and knowing what time of year it is:

       And for this shortened week, enjoy Ten pictures that will "make you want to become a geologist."

     Checking my quiver carefully.

Steph and Co


  1. Steph,
    Congrats on 18 months of PEOTS! Great blog.

    Nifty photos, very Magdalenesque. In the road trip pix, it looks like your mom and Maizie are quite sympatico.

    In the photos that will "make me want to become a geologist,"is the "very special fossil" the one that you discovered on your first field trip. If not, could we see your first fossil sometime?

    Many happy return orbits for PEOTS.


    1. Thanks, Lego.

      Fossil photo later. . .as to where we are "What's this aqua for?" ;-)

    2. Lake Pueblo State Park?

    3. On the other hand, that irrigator picture also appears on the website for Threemile Canyon Farms, in Boardman, OR.

    4. Scratch that.... looks like a stock photo.

    5. Yeah, there's a bug in my phone that won't let me post a personal photo until I have posted a couple of downloaded photos. Strange. We are not in Colorado and have left the one long and well, just long, state we were in . . .My corniness is appreciated here. ;-)

    6. Ding ding ding! That was Lake McConahay in NB. Now headed north for my daughter's graduation and many activities in MN, land of Garrison and Lego.

      They really ought to shorten Nebraska.


    7. Congratulations! And to mom and daughter! Enjoy Saturday's festivities and the commencement speaker.

    8. Thanks, jan. We are looking forward to being with my daughter tomorrow, all college picnic and festivities Friday, and commencement and baccalaureate Sat. Fritz Mondale! The St Paul Cathedral is extraordinary. Will try to load a photo. It is on the hillside and so magnificent this evening.

  2. Searching Google for images visually similar to the one of Mom holding Maizie mostly yields pictures of men holding fish. I'd say their algorithm needs tweaking.

  3. Who needs concrete arrows when you've got center-pivot irrigators? They're way more visible from the air. (Of course, they hadn't been invented yet.)

    1. jan,
      Thanks for introducing me to Inge Lehmann. Steph, of course, needs no such introduction.

      If I understand Maizie/Mom/Steph's itinerary correctly, that merry trio has exited the golden state and have entered the beave state. If they continue on to the evergreen state I wonder, will Steph will look up David or skydiveboy?


    2. Thanks, Lego! We shall see ;-).

  4. Steph/Steph’sMom/Maizie

    Congraduations to your daughter/granddaughter/"stepsister" on her gratulation!

    May her tassel no hassle be,
    Mortarboard, be not pestilent.
    May she waltZ o’er this undergrad stage.

    May her days be bedazzlely.
    May her exploits be excellent.
    May she stay ever sage for her age.

    May astuteness her castle be,
    And her vision, a vessel sent
    Mayflower-like, dreams to engage.


  5. "Whether fruit flies feel anything resembling emotion is hard to determine..."

    I thought it was well established that fruit flies like a banana.

    (And time flies like an arrow).

  6. Maybe I'll explore the 'Fight / Flee / Research emotion primitives' trichotomy. Or not.

  7. Steph's daughter has a former VP, Walter Mondale, speaking at her commencement. Anybody out there have anybody similarly notable speaking at their graduation... like Dan Quayle, for example?

    Norman James, a first-year psychology prof at our school, delivered our address. (Class of '73 St. John's University in MN) I suspect that he was the first "person of color" to deliver an address at our school. I also suspect that 's why our school shose him to speak.

    Former U.S.senator and VP Hubert Horatio Humphrey might well have been our speaker. Spiro Agnew, sitting VP at the time, was to become a former VP five months later, in October of 1973. Had he lasted 10 months longer we would have had President Agnew instead of President Ford.


    1. I have no memory of who spoke at my graduation. But I think it was by department only, with no school-wide ceremony, so it was probably just the department head. My son did better: Bill Gates (a dropout from decades earlier) was his commencement speaker, and Bill Clinton was the Class Day speaker the previous day.

    2. jan,
      Your graduation speaker: Yawn.
      Your son's graduation speaker: Off the charts!

      Time Magazine:
      "...In 2007, more than thirty years after he left Harvard, the co-founder of Microsoft would finally receive his degree (an honorary doctorate) from his alma mater. At the commencement, Gates said, 'I'm a bad influence. That's why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today.' "


    3. At his orientation (more or less; actually freshman parent's weekend several weeks later), the dean of students talked about the difficulty of choosing an incoming class, given all the accomplishments of so many of the applicants. He described the school as a place of great knowledge, because the freshmen brought so much with them, while the graduating seniors took so little away.

    4. There is one frank dean laying down the gauntlet!

      Did your son rise to the challenge and make a proverbial haul of wisdom?

      The closest I ever got to being accepted by Harvard was in in grade school when we were choosing up sides for a pee-wee touch football game. Harvey Phelps chose me for his team. (I was the last guy picked.)

      Mary and I had an opportunity to tour the campus, however, last August at her nephew's wedding in Boston. He is a Harvard Law grad.


    5. Yeah, he did well. He's an economics professor now.

  8. So, Word Woman and legolambda, did you two get together this past weekend, seeing as how you were both in the same neighborhood? Seems a shame if not.

    1. We ran out of time. . .so many things to do and see with my daughter including the Como Park Zoo, graduation, baccalaureate, Science Museum, the cathedral. We just said our farewells. . .That was bittersweet. I will not see her for 2.5 years as she heads to be. PCV in Ethiopia. We are almost to Iowa now. . .Next trip, Lego !

  9. Sounds exciting. What will she be working on there? Maybe she'll pick up some local recipes, and come home to show you what's wat.

    1. Are you planning to visit her while she's there? At least you'll both be in the same hemisphere...

    2. jan,
      As I learned today from a poster who is a sharp cookie over on Blaine’s blog, Steph in Colorado, Steph’s daughter in Ethiopia and any third person (anyone on the face of the Earth) will be in the same hemisphere.

      I had to duckduckgoogle PCV. First, I typed it in wrong and got results about polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plumber’s pipes. Then I typed it in right and got this. Perhaps Steph just got the location wrong, I thought, and her daughter will be a Commie in Caracas, or a Presbyterian in Oceania.

      Then I looked at the last Wikipedia PCV entry. Aha! The organization founded by that vice-presidential candidate who predated Fritz by four years, and succeeded Thomas Eagleton (although the campaign did not succeed).

      Sargent Shriver was PC, Peacefully Corps-ect.


    3. Zoe will be teaching English somewhere in Ethiopia. She has become a most gracious, kind human being. She was just lovely with my mom. We sopped up every moment we could with her.

      I do hope to visit her! She is back to wearing glasses as the Peace Vorps will not allow volunteers to wear contacts there due to possible infection, sand, etc. We ate dinner at Farsika, in St Paul. Great Ethiopian bread and lentils. . . No silverware involved. But, no wat.

      What an adventure she will have!

      Signing off from Sioux Falls, SD. We decided to go I-90 to avoid Nebraska. A good road trip with my mom.

      Tomorrow, more road tripping . We are still looking for arrows. . .That may be it for tomorrow's post. . .

    4. Steph,
      Yes, It sounds like Zoe will have an extended Ethiopian adventure. I am sure you and your family will be communicating with her via the Internet. Good for her.

      If I remember my past NPR hands-of-the-clock puzzles correctly, if you rotate that “V” in “Vorps” 90 degrees clockwise, it becomes a “C.”

      Safe travels.



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